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iScape App Redesign

Redesign of virtual landscaping iOS application.




UX/IA & Design


Design Lead

The Problem

The original iScape application lacked clear navigation and information organization resulting reduce usage by iScape's large subscriber base.

The Solution

I developed and designed a user workflow and organized iScape's plant and product library into a clearly accessible and searchable interface. Testing low-fidelity workflows, I demonstrated that the new structure improved the user's ability to locate products and add them to their canvas to use in their landscape designs. I also worked to improve their landscape builder functionality, adding tools that help users manipulate products once added to their canvas and global registration and project management workflows.

Methodologies utilized:

  • User & Task Workflows
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframes & Testing
  • Hi-fidelity Design
The Results

The client utilized these solutions to improve the interface and organization of their product library. These modifications have succeefully helped to attract new users and retain existing ones.

Sample Screens:

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